A Year of Grace

I don't believe in luck--I believe in grace.
If you were to tell me this time last year that this little business would have survived 2020 unscathed, I would have doubted you. Realistically, I probably would have laughed at you in disbelief.
I could easily attribute our survival to "strategic digital business decisions" or an "intimate understanding of our consumer". Even though both of those responses would be seen as "valid", they're not the truth--at least they're not the truth to me.
While the world has been on fire, I've felt like an idiot standing on the sidewalk yelling, "Hey!!! Does anyone want to buy a pair of earrings?!?"
It's seemed silly to talk about jewelry amid a global pandemic, political uncertainties, with social and racial reckonings abounding... there are FAR more important things going on in our world than talking to you about the story behind a necklace.
But the reality is, this is a still a business. And realistically, as a business owner, there are bills, salaries, and financial deadlines to be met. All of which inherently lead to fighting for the survival of our small entity through any means possible--even if that means carrying on "as normal" through so much clouded uncertainty.
I don't believe in luck--I believe in grace.
And it's by GRACE that we not only survived this past year, but GREW.
It's by the grace of God working through so many of you who have not only believed in me and this business, but financially invested in the stories, history, and traditions we hope to carry on through our modern heirlooms.
For that, I will forever be thankful. Every single order has been an investment in a dream--and I will never attribute it to luck, but forever grace.
Thank you for playing a role in our story.